Loki – The Real Adwords Monster

In honor of Take Your Dog to Work Day I present you Loki the Adwords Loki – The Real Adwords Monster

If it Works and it Shouldn’t…

Sometimes the best course of action in Search Marketing is to just let it ride. If it Works and it Shouldn’t…

Confessions of a Data Junkie

I am a Web Traffic Data junkie. The seminal event of my addiction was in Confessions of a Data Junkie

SMS Visits the Google Mothership

Yesterday Bob and myself were invited up to the Googleplex for a workshop/feedback session. We SMS Visits the Google Mothership

Life after the first click

Recently much of my day is consumed not so much with Adwords but with what Life after the first click

Using the Content Network without Getting Used

Here in the office we tend to fall in and out of love with the Using the Content Network without Getting Used

Adwords Webinar – April 10, 2009

We will be conducting a Webinar on April 10, 2009 from 10:00am to 11:30am in Adwords Webinar – April 10, 2009

Adwords Auction

How the Google auctions off Adwords positions can be confusing and Google recently released this Adwords Auction

Structure > Keywords

In Adwords keywords are, well… key. There’s no denying that. Personally however, I believe that Structure > Keywords

It takes a team to run a Web Site

The reality is that running a professional web site takes a team of professionals across It takes a team to run a Web Site

Adwords Geo Targeting – The Other Side of the Story

The idea behind geo targeting your Adwords is that you can serve your ads exclusively Adwords Geo Targeting – The Other Side of the Story

Is Organic Traffic Better than PPC?

There is probably nothing that gets a good flame war going between SEO Experts and Is Organic Traffic Better than PPC?