Ten Ideas to Improve Landing Page Design

We review, test, and provide design input to more landing pages than any designer we Ten Ideas to Improve Landing Page Design

Web Experiences – the Next Generation

What will the next generation of web sites look and act like? Advertising, SEO, and Web Experiences – the Next Generation

No Adwords for You! Prohibited Adwords Item Rundown

You can sell almost anything with Adwords, almost. So what exactly can’t you sell on No Adwords for You! Prohibited Adwords Item Rundown

Does Your Site Load Fast Enough for Adwords?

Google has already announced that page loading time was going to be a factor in Does Your Site Load Fast Enough for Adwords?

Expanded Broad Match Speaks German Now Too? Scheisse!

Break out your Google-hosen, Adwords speaks German. Today I am impressed/worried about how smart broad Expanded Broad Match Speaks German Now Too? Scheisse!

Getting Google Slapped

It happens to everyone and you just have to learn how to fix it. A Getting Google Slapped

Online Reputation Management, a Cautionary Tale

Business owners are very careful about managing their reputation but for some reason they have Online Reputation Management, a Cautionary Tale

Explore Social Networking at SLOCAMA

*UPDATE* The links and presentation from last night are available at : https://gettorchlight.com/explore-social-networking-at-slocama/ Tomorrow I Explore Social Networking at SLOCAMA

Google Budget Optimizer – The House Always Wins!!!

Think about it for a minute… you walk into a car dealership with $20,000 dollars Google Budget Optimizer – The House Always Wins!!!

Traditional Media is "Not Dead Yet"

Predictions of the death of traditional media by evangelists of new media remind me of Traditional Media is "Not Dead Yet"